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Clicking the Scan Recon button will launch Scan Recon and will also bring you back to your coordination:
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  • Scan Recon is the utility to search for, manage, and upload scans to the Coord Database.
    • By default when you launch it for the first time in a project it will search your location and show you any scans in the area.
    • Scans are displayed on the map and also a list to the left.
    • You can change search parameters to filter by device, and frequency range
    • You can also limit the age of the oldest result and sort by distance, date or device type
  • After selecting a scan you will see this window:
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  • You will see file details on the left with options to copy it to your project or download as a CSV.
    • copy to project will make it available in your Plot Area.
  • The lower left area lets you upvote or downvote the scan for other users to see.