Click the Universal Share Icon to access these features:
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  • Download Frequency List (CSV)
    • Creates a CSV file of all frequencies in the Site
  • Download Frequency List for WWB(CSV)
    • Creates a CSV file of all frequencies in the Site optimized for WWB (how to do this)
  • Download Zone for IAS (CSV)
    • Creates files of all frequencies in the Site optimized for IAS
  • Import Zone from IAS (XML)
    • this will import IAS files. on import Coord will check for any channel spacing conflicts with other frequencies in impacted areas.
  • Export zone Reports (PDF, DOCX, ODT)
    • The export site report opens this dialogue:
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    • The coordinator dropdown changes the name on the report
    • Output type lets you choose between PDF, ODT (open doc text format), and DOCX (MS Word format)
    • Template lets you select between the SoundBase default templates. You can create your own template but that it currently outside the scope of this help document
    • Manage report content lets you choose what to include in the report.
    • View PDF before saving will open a PDF in another browser window rather than automatically downloading to your computer. This allows you to print without cluttering your downloads folder more easily.
  • Real-time Zone Report
    • Opens this dialogue:
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      Enabling the report make the Real-Time Report link β€œlive”
      The icons next to the report link from left to right are:
      1. Password Protect
      1. Open link in new tab
      1. Copy link to clipboard
      1. Generate QR Code
      1. Open email client with link copied into body of the email.
      The Configure Report button lets you choose what is displayed in the report and the order it appears:
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    • The Contact Info and the Message line can be edited to show whatever is needed and will display at the top of the report
    • If the view box is ticked that column will appear in the Real-Time Report
    • If the edit box is ticked anyone who has access to the Real-Time Report can edit that field
    • You can reorder the columns by clicking and dragging in the left most column