Across the top of the details area you have 4 areas of focus: Home, Candidates, Profiles, Requests, and Tools
  • Home
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    • This gives you some cool data to know about your current site.
    • If you tick the β€œAll Sites” box the totals will reflect the numbers across the entire project.
  • Candidates:
    • This are will be populated by frequencies found by using the calculation area
    • Click +All to add all discovered candidates to the currently selected group.
    • Click +Selected to add selected candidates to the currently selected group
    • Click +New Group to create a new group and add selected candidates to that group
    • Click the refresh button to re-run the search
    • Click the red X to clear the search results
    • The Focus Button on the left of the results will focus the plot on the selected freq.
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  • Profiles:
    • When you have a profile selected in the calculation area this area will display those details, this information is purely informational and can’t be edited.
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    • The upper right area of the profile is where you can add, copy, and focus the plot to the profiles bandwidth. if you are looking at a custom profile you will also see an edit button and a delete button:
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    • Creating a new profile: Click the plus icon to start the process of creating a new profile.
    • Click the copy icon to duplicate your current profile that you can then edit
    • Click the edit button to change the current profile
    • Click the trash icon to delete the profile (deleting a profile will not affect projects that have used that profile in the past.
    • Click the magnifying glass to focus the plot on the current profiles bandwidth