To use SoundBase, you'll need to create an account. Your account works with both the free online version and PRO upgrade.
To create an account:
Click on Create account.
A sign-up page opens.
Image without caption
Enter your email address.
Create a strong password and confirm it in the next field.
For security reasons, it is recommended to meet the following requirements:
  • At least ten characters
  • One lowercase letter (a...z)
  • One uppercase letter (A...Z)
  • One number (0...9)
  • One special character (!#$%&()*+,- ./:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~)
  • Maximum length: 64 characters
Click on Try for free.
You will be redirected to the SoundBase End User License Agreement (EULA).
Read the license agreement and click Agree.
A verification email will be sent to your address.
In your email inbox, open the verification email and click "Verify Your Account".
Your new account has been created and verified. You can now sign in to SoundBase and start collaborating.
