
  1. Check here if your devices are supported by SoundBase
  1. Verify all devices are powered on
  1. Check for network continuityโ€”ensure there are no air gaps or loops
  1. For managed switches, verify switch settings and confirm all devices are on the same Group/VLAN
  1. Check computer firewall settings:
    1. macOS - Allow network access for SoundBase Pro
    2. Windows - Allow SoundBase Pro.exe on both Public and Private networks in Firewall settings
  1. Ensure all connected devices have up-to-date, compatible firmware
  1. Verify network interface is enabled and connected
  1. Verify all devices are using the same IP address scheme
  1. Verify subnet matches network requirements
  1. During device discovery, disable Wi-Fi and other network connections temporarilyโ€”you can re-enable them after adding the device
  1. Verify that you can view devices in their respective management software: Sennheiser in WSM (Wireless Systems Manager), Shure in WWB (Wireless Workbench), and Wisycom in Wisycom Manager
  1. Restart SoundBase Pro
  1. Restart computer


  1. Verify mDNS is enabled
  1. Check the network configuration settings on the device. Some Shure devices have software-definable network ports, and we need to verify that your cables are plugged in according to that configuration


  1. Check the network configuration settings on the device. Some Shure devices have software-definable network ports, and we need to verify that your cables are plugged in according to that configuration (e.g., Switched, Split/Redundant, etc.)


  1. Ensure no other computer or device is connected to Wisycom equipment, as it only allows one client connection at a time. This limitation includes having multiple instances of Wisycom Manager open simultaneously
Still having issues? Contact support here or join our Discord server here.
To help our support team assist you better, please send us your error logs. If you're unable to discover or connect to devices, go to the "Help" menu, click the "Download Log" button, and send them to us for review.